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MXT4 TRANSMITTER The C.Scope MXT4 is a digital One Watt multi-frequency Transmitter with in-built Data Logging. Designed for use with a MXL4 Precision Pipe & Cable Locator. The C.Scope MXT4 Transmitter is designed for use alongside an MXL4 Locator. It enables a far more flexible approach to pipe and cable location enabling the operator to accurately detect, pinpoint, trace and identify the widest range of pipes and cables. The MXT4 Transmitter now has a greater range of transmitting frequencies allowing improved long distance tracing and utility identification, even on the most congested of sites. A range of frequencies from 512/640Hz up to 131kHz and including the simultaneous dual-frequency 33kHz and 131kHz signal output is ideal for maximising the number of buried services that can be energised and then detected. The MXL4 can apply these frequency signals without direct connection to buried services, using either a Signal Clamp or the simple induction method from ground level, providing a significant improvement in the detection of the smaller diameter or poorly earthed cables.

Specialists in underground location, C.Scope International LTD is a UK manufacturer who still design and produce all of the products in Great Britain.
C.Scope – MXL4/MXT4 Locator & Transmitter Package
About this product
MXT4 TRANSMITTER The C.Scope MXT4 is a digital One Watt multi-frequency Transmitter with in-built Data Logging. Designed for use with a MXL4 Precision Pipe & Cable Locator. The C.Scope MXT4 Transmitter is designed for use alongside an MXL4 Locator. It enables a far more flexible approach to pipe and cable location enabling the operator to accurately detect, pinpoint, trace and identify the widest range of pipes and cables. The MXT4 Transmitter now has a greater range of transmitting frequencies allowing improved long distance tracing and utility identification, even on the most congested of sites. A range of frequencies from 512/640Hz up to 131kHz and including the simultaneous dual-frequency 33kHz and 131kHz signal output is ideal for maximising the number of buried services that can be energised and then detected. The MXL4 can apply these frequency signals without direct connection to buried services, using either a Signal Clamp or the simple induction method from ground level, providing a significant improvement in the detection of the smaller diameter or poorly earthed cables.

Specialists in underground location, C.Scope International LTD is a UK manufacturer who still design and produce all of the products in Great Britain.
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About this product
MXT4 TRANSMITTER The C.Scope MXT4 is a digital One Watt multi-frequency Transmitter with in-built Data Logging. Designed for use with a MXL4 Precision Pipe & Cable Locator. The C.Scope MXT4 Transmitter is designed for use alongside an MXL4 Locator. It enables a far more flexible approach to pipe and cable location enabling the operator to accurately detect, pinpoint, trace and identify the widest range of pipes and cables. The MXT4 Transmitter now has a greater range of transmitting frequencies allowing improved long distance tracing and utility identification, even on the most congested of sites. A range of frequencies from 512/640Hz up to 131kHz and including the simultaneous dual-frequency 33kHz and 131kHz signal output is ideal for maximising the number of buried services that can be energised and then detected. The MXL4 can apply these frequency signals without direct connection to buried services, using either a Signal Clamp or the simple induction method from ground level, providing a significant improvement in the detection of the smaller diameter or poorly earthed cables.

Specialists in underground location, C.Scope International LTD is a UK manufacturer who still design and produce all of the products in Great Britain.
C.Scope – MXL4/MXT4 Locator & Transmitter Package Features
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