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MultiRAE Pro-Pumped / 10.6 eV ppb PID / LEL / CO + H₂S / O₂ / Gamma / Li-ion / Wireless (868 MHz)

RAE Systems is a leading global provider of rapidly deployable connected, intelligent gas and radiation detection systems that enable real-time safety and security threat detection.
MultiRAE Pro-Pumped / 10.6 eV ppb PID / LEL / CO + H₂S / O₂ / Gamma / Li-ion / Wireless (868 MHz)

RAE Systems is a leading global provider of rapidly deployable connected, intelligent gas and radiation detection systems that enable real-time safety and security threat detection.
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RAE Systems is a leading global provider of rapidly deployable connected, intelligent gas and radiation detection systems that enable real-time safety and security threat detection.
MultiRAE Pro-Pumped / 10.6 eV ppb PID / LEL / CO + H₂S / O₂ / Gamma / Li-ion / Wireless (868 MHz) Features
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